Why Are Brushless DC Motors So Often Chosen As The Optimal Motor Solution?

When product designers and engineers design an application that requires a motor, they often turn to the brushless DC motor - Why is that? A brushless, or BLDC motor, converts electrical energy into mechanical energy via electromagnets in a stator which spins permanent magnets on a rotor. It’s this mechanism which allows high-efficiency brushless motors to offer a high degree of control. Brushless motors are rapidly replacing brushed DC motors in applications such as robotics, healthcare, electric cars, and many more. They can be found in unmanned aircraft such as drones. Brushless DC motors don't have any brushes, therefore they operate without many of the restrictions that brushed DC motors are saddled with. Related Links - https://fdlclassifieds.com/0/posts/9-Jobs/101-Manufacturing/2037553-Premium-Planetary-Gear-Motors-ISL-Products-International.html https://postquickads.com/0/posts/9-Jobs/101-Manufacturing/1799354-Premium-Planetary-Gear-Motors-ISL-Products-International.html h...