An Overview Of Stepper Motors - ISL Products International Ltd.

A stepper motor can be described as a brushless electric motor that separates a complete rotation into several equal movements. Stepper Motors are controlled by electrical pulses sent from dedicated Stepper Motor Drivers. Stepper motor drivers are used to control stepper motors by holding fixed-step angles and controlling the rate of speed. Stepper motors can be controlled via an open, or a closed-loop system. Stepper motors are manufactured with differing step angles, most commonly 1.8 degrees, which equates to about 200 steps per revolution. There are set, industry defined standards for stepper motor and producers of electrical products, equipment and wiring that are used in industrial facilities. Hybrid stepper motors are one such product categorized by the NEMA, designating each with a frame size (such as; 11, 23 or 34). As an example, a NEMA 23 size motor would have a mounting face size of 2.3 inches square, and subsequently, a NEMA 17 hybrid stepper m...